January 2023


Language of the heart

Emerald light,Open to love,Courage to care,Honesty to see,Possibility to hear,Emotions to clear,Intuition received,Compassion to give,Acceptance in me. Surrender to tears,Pain-body live free,Prayers of harmony,Willingness to grow,Trust in vulnerability,Inner-Child surfacing,Living life creatively,Passion to be shared,Authentic & pure! Generosity to help,Medicine to forgive,Stillness in breath,Lotus of the heart,Beacon of light,Uplifting connection,Divine support within,Never alone or isolated.

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Inner Child Surfacing

Relax into the Lotus of the Heart Center, Yum!!!Souls free-will of ever expanding love,Green luscious hues, Soft whispers of Gaia.Beating womb of thy mother, OM!Interconnectedness above & below.Shining heavenly rays of trust & hope,To have faith in Divine Love & so it’s told!Inner-wisdom of creative truth, Hum-Hum-Hum!Sacred dance of Shakti too! Oh sweet sacred grove.

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