Bloom Into Your

Embrace a new season of life - One where you are ready to flourish. Your journey to self-care is the foundation for creating sustainable change.


The 3-Step Journey

to Becoming Your Best Self

1. Embrace your journey to self-love: By nurturing self-awareness, you unlock the key to regulating your nervous system and finding inner calm. Radical self-care isn’t selfish – it’s the foundation for creating a healthy relationship with change in your world.

2. Master stress management: Your self care practice is the gateway to inner wisdom and lasting transformation. Your commitment to mindful grit is the bridge between your current reality and your heart’s longings.

3. Embrace the courage to show up fully: Establish routines that support your overall well-being. Your dedication to inner growth ripples outward, inspiring change far beyond yourself.

You can expect a personalized framework that adapts to your unique needs and goals. Sessions may include a combination of somatic experiences such as gentle movement to release physical tension, guided meditations to calm the mind, and breath-work exercises to regulate your nervous system.

Alicia may incorporate energy work to clear emotional blockages and promote balance. You’ll learn practical techniques like EFT to manage stress and navigate emotions with self-kindness and acceptance. 

When stress accumulates in the body, it can lead to various physical and mental health issues:

  1. Anxiety: Chronic stress can trigger or exacerbate anxiety disorders.
  2. Depression: Prolonged stress and unprocessed emotions may contribute to the development of depression.
  3. Inflammation: Stress can cause an inflammatory response in the body, leading to:
    • Digestive issues (e.g., irritable bowel syndrome, acid reflux)
    • Chronic pain (e.g., headaches, muscle tension, joint pain)
    • Weakened immune system
  4. Other physical symptoms: Insomnia, fatigue, and cardiovascular problems.

Remember, the journey to holistic wellness is unique for each person. By honoring the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit, you can create a personalized path to balance, health, and fulfillment.


Our Approach

Discover a sanctuary for deep personal exploration and growth. Through tailored practices like meditation, breathwork, and somatic techniques, you’ll learn to attune to your body’s wisdom and regulate your nervous system. This process fosters a profound sense of trust within yourself, enabling you to make choices that truly honor your boundaries and align with your deepest values. Meditation and mindfulness cultivate this self-trust by creating space to observe your thoughts and emotions without judgment, enhancing your ability to discern authentic needs from habitual reactions.

Develop a unique set of tools for self-care and emotional regulation, empowering you to navigate life’s seasons long after the program. This holistic framework not only supports your individual growth but also enhances your relationships with others.

You are READY to commit to the path of emotional freedom and a healthy mindset to unlock a vibrant reality. Every step towards your authentic self creates ripples of possibility. You believe in the courage to live purposefully and choose faith over fear has the power to transform lives beyond your own. You sense that the life you envision is not just possible – it’s inevitable when you show up for yourself with unwavering dedication.

  • Yoga, Meditation and Breath-work
  • Chakra Balancing, Ancestral/Inner Child Healing and Reiki 
  • Ayurvedic Recommendations
  • Somatic Body Based Healing
  • Tapping: Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), Shaking & Sound Release

These practices serve as healthy coping mechanisms by:

  • Regulating the nervous system to support stress and anxiety 
  • Centering the mind for clarity and inner peace
  • Providing a pathway through stress to a state of release, acceptance and letting go

Connect ancient wisdom and modern knowledge to restore the mind and body.


Your Wellness Journey Starts With Intentional Living.



Work one-on-one with Alicia through Life Coaching, Energy Healing, or Cacao Ceremony. Individual and group options available.



Join me on a journey to create a thriving community where we inspire each other to embrace joy, pleasure, and radical responsibility.


Join transformative retreats and workshop series for community & spiritual growth or book Alicia for your private or corporate events.



Time Mastery self-paced online course and Reiki Certification programs available.


My Philosophy

I’m a firm believer in the magic of connection to oneself through prayer, daily rituals, and sacred ceremonies. This is what I teach – to heal yourself physically, emotionally, and mentally.

You ultimately come home to harmony with your spiritual health by addressing all the layers. I feel fortunate to guide people to return to the state of love – the solution to their underlying dis”ease” which also manifests as DISEASE.

I work on a personalized level with you so that your thoughts, beliefs, and actions are in alignment and moving in the same directions as your values.

Top Motivational Coaches In 2023

At Your Service

Stress and past stressful life events can manifest in various ways. You may experience depression and anxiety and even feel physical symptoms like panic attacks. However, relying on over-the-counter medication isn’t really effective because it’s important to get to the root cause of these issues and address them.

This is where a trauma-informed coach steps in.

At Inspiration Is Life, we believe in the power of connecting to one’s innermost self with holistic techniques, sacred ceremonies, and daily rituals. Inspiration Is Life is a top motivational coach of 2023, and takes pride in supporting comprehensive PTSD through somatic methods, Ayurveda clinical health, Intuitive healing and personal development guidance services.

Whether you’re looking to just soothe your soul in a natural and holistic way or achieve inner harmony working with a professional, Alicia is a  motivational coach here to help.

Ready to heal your mind and soothe your soul with the experts? Reach out to work with a motivational coach in Chicago today to book a consultation, and we will be more than happy to provide you with any required information.

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